Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Exit, stage right.

She gazes outside the window everyday at work. (Yes, she works everyday). She's been avid audience to the two trees the past three seasons. She saw them hesitantly bud during spring, scream into full bloom during summer, and the gentle flourish of autumn leaves that now pave the way to her coffee hideout. Time is a curious thing, she thought. It breaks the trees, gives them the opportunity of rebirth, only to bring them down to the embarrassing minimum come autumn.

So are relationships. They are cyclical. You never realize when the unhealthy patterns set in, she muses. Invaded by love, she never noticed the little transgression that human beings are capable of. With subtle speed the misunderstandings crept into their marriage. Before she could even stand straight the foundation of her marriage and friendship dismantled into a corroding mess. Atop the debris, she tried to piece the sparkling bits of togetherness but the shards of insecurity, misdirected rage, and uncouth words kept cutting at her skin. Just like the autumn leaves carpeting her feet, now loneliness fits snugly around the shape of her heart - exactly where love used to be.


Winter. She watches the sturdy bark of the trees - unfazed by the engulfing winter. I wish I had the strength to ride the cyclical waves, she thinks. A single tear drops down her sullen cheek. How ironic, she thinks as she watches the saline water balance on the tan line of her ring finger. Even water balances on a scrap of my skin, but love just slid away.

She shares her soup bowl between lunch and dinner now.


Rakhi said...

Beautifully expressed. May she have the strength to ride out winter.

teacup said...

This is heart-wrenching and yet so beautiful. Yes, Hope she has finds the strength to ride the waves. Time is indeed a curious thing, am sure she will find love again.

(P.S: I think I am commenting for the first time, but been reading for a while and love all your posts :))